
Configuration Commands

Get Current BTFS Node Config

$ btfs config show - Output config file contents.

$ btfs config show

NOTE: For security reasons, this command will omit your private key. If you would like to make a full backup of your config (private key included), you must copy the config file from your repo.
$ btfs config show   #This will retrieve the full content of config file under .btfs repository excluding Seedphrase and private key

Basic commands

Initialize BTFS Node + Repo

$  btfs init [<default-config>] - Initializes btfs config file.

$  btfs init [--bits=<bits> | -b] [--empty-repo | -e]
              [--profile=<profile> | -p] [--key=<key> | -k]
              [--import=<import> | -i] [--rm-on-unpin | -r] [--seed=<seed> | -s]
              [--] [<default-config>]

  [<default-config>] - Initialize with the given configuration.

  -b, --bits         int    - Number of bits to use in the generated RSA
                              private key. Default: 2048.
  -e, --empty-repo   bool   - Don't add and pin help files to the local storage.
  -p, --profile      string - Apply profile settings to config. Multiple
                              profiles can be separated by ','.
  -k, --key          string - Key generation algorithm, e.g. RSA, Ed25519,
                              Secp256k1, ECDSA, BIP39. By default is BIP39.
  -i, --import       string - Import TRON private key to generate btfs PeerID.
  -r, --rm-on-unpin  bool   - Remove unpinned files. Default: false.
  -s, --seed         string - Import seed phrase.

  Initializes btfs configuration files and generates a new keypair.

  If you are going to run BTFS in server environment, you may want to
  initialize it using 'server' profile.

  For the list of available profiles see 'btfs config profile --help'

  btfs uses a repository in the local file system. By default, the repo is
  located at ~/.btfs. To change the repo location, set the $BTFS_PATH
  environment variable:

      export BTFS_PATH=/path/to/btfsrepo
$ btfs init -p storage-host       // Under "Experimental", the StorageHostEnabled setting is set to true
$ btfs init -s "YOUR SEED HERE"   //Initialize a node using a previously created BTFS node

BTFS daemon (Start a long-running daemon process)

$ btfs daemon - Run a network-connected BTFS node.

$ btfs daemon [--init] [--init-config=<init-config>] [--init-profile=<init-profile>] [--routing=<routing>]
                [--mount] [--writable] [--mount-btfs=<mount-btfs>] [--mount-btns=<mount-btns>] [--unrestricted-api]
                [--disable-transport-encryption] [--enable-gc] [--manage-fdlimit=false] [--migrate=false]
                [--enable-pubsub-experiment] [--enable-namesys-pubsub] [--enable-mplex-experiment] [--hval=<hval>]
                [--dc] [--enable-startup-test] [--swarm-port=<swarm-port>]
                [--deployment-gasPrice=<deployment-gasPrice>] [--chain-id=<chain-id>]

  --init                          bool   - Initialize btfs with default settings if not already initialized.
  --init-config                   string - Path to existing configuration file to be loaded during --init.
  --init-profile                  string - Configuration profiles to apply for --init. See btfs init --help for
  --routing                       string - Overrides the routing option. Default: default.
  --mount                         bool   - Mounts BTFS to the filesystem.
  --writable                      bool   - Enable writing objects (with POST, PUT and DELETE).
  --mount-btfs                    string - Path to the mountpoint for BTFS (if using --mount). Defaults to config
  --mount-btns                    string - Path to the mountpoint for BTNS (if using --mount). Defaults to config
  --unrestricted-api              bool   - Allow API access to unlisted hashes.
  --disable-transport-encryption  bool   - Disable transport encryption (for debugging protocols).
  --enable-gc                     bool   - Enable automatic periodic repo garbage collection.
  --manage-fdlimit                bool   - Check and raise file descriptor limits if needed. Default: true.
  --migrate                       bool   - If true, assume yes at the migrate prompt. If false, assume no. Default:
  --enable-pubsub-experiment      bool   - Instantiate the btfs daemon with the experimental pubsub feature enabled.
  --enable-namesys-pubsub         bool   - Enable BTNS record distribution through pubsub; enables pubsub.
  --enable-mplex-experiment       bool   - DEPRECATED.
  --hval                          string - H-value identifies the BitTorrent client this daemon is started by. None
                                           if not started by a BitTorrent client.
  --dc                            bool   - Allow BTFS to collect and send out node statistics.
  --enable-startup-test           bool   - Allow BTFS to perform start up test. Default: false.
  --swarm-port                    string - Override existing announced swarm address with external port in the
                                           format of [WAN:LAN].
  --deployment-gasPrice           string - gas price in unit to use for deployment and funding.
  --chain-id                      string - The ID of blockchain to deploy.

  The daemon will start listening on ports on the network, which are
  documented in (and can be modified through) 'btfs config Addresses'.
  For example, to change the 'Gateway' port:

    btfs config Addresses.Gateway /ip4/

  The API address can be changed the same way:

    btfs config Addresses.API /ip4/

  Make sure to restart the daemon after changing addresses.

  By default, the gateway is only accessible locally. To expose it to
  other computers in the network, use as the ip address:

    btfs config Addresses.Gateway /ip4/

  Be careful if you expose the API. It is a security risk, as anyone could
  control your node remotely. If you need to control the node remotely,
  make sure to protect the port as you would other services or database
  (firewall, authenticated proxy, etc).

  HTTP Headers

  btfs supports passing arbitrary headers to the API and Gateway. You can
  do this by setting headers on the API.HTTPHeaders and Gateway.HTTPHeaders

    btfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.X-Special-Header '["so special :)"]'
    btfs config --json Gateway.HTTPHeaders.X-Special-Header '["so special :)"]'

  Note that the value of the keys is an _array_ of strings. This is because
  headers can have more than one value, and it is convenient to pass through
  to other libraries.

  CORS Headers (for API)

  You can setup CORS headers the same way:

    btfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin '[""]'
    btfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Methods '["PUT", "GET", "POST"]'
    btfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Credentials '["true"]'


  To shut down the daemon, send a SIGINT signal to it (e.g. by pressing 'Ctrl-C')
  or send a SIGTERM signal to it (e.g. with 'kill'). It may take a while for the
  daemon to shutdown gracefully, but it can be killed forcibly by sending a
  second signal.

  BTFS_PATH environment variable

  btfs uses a repository in the local file system. By default, the repo is
  located at ~/.btfs. To change the repo location, set the $BTFS_PATH
  environment variable:

    export BTFS_PATH=/path/to/btfsrepo


  BTFS by default will use a DHT for content routing. There is a highly
  experimental alternative that operates the DHT in a 'client only' mode that
  can be enabled by running the daemon as:

    btfs daemon --routing=dhtclient

  This will later be transitioned into a config option once it gets out of the
  'experimental' stage.


  Previously, btfs used an environment variable as seen below:

    export API_ORIGIN="http://localhost:8888/"

  This is deprecated. It is still honored in this version, but will be removed
  in a future version, along with this notice. Please move to setting the HTTP

$btfs daemon --chain-id 199   //Starts a new daemon process using BTTC mainnet configuration, this is the normal way of executing a BTFS daemon up to BTFS v2.1.3

Add file to BTFS repository

$ btfs add <path>... - Add a file or directory to btfs.

$btfs add [--recursive | -r] [--dereference-args] [--stdin-name=<stdin-name>] [--hidden | -H]
             [--ignore=<ignore>]... [--ignore-rules-path=<ignore-rules-path>] [--quiet | -q] [--quieter | -Q]
             [--silent] [--progress | -p] [--trickle | -t] [--only-hash | -n] [--wrap-with-directory | -w]
             [--chunker=<chunker> | -s] [--pin=false] [--raw-leaves] [--nocopy] [--fscache] [-v=<v>] [--hash=<hash>]
             [--inline] [--inline-limit=<inline-limit>] [--meta=<meta> | -m] [--encrypt] [--public-key=<public-key>]
             [--peer-id=<peer-id>] [--pin-duration-count=<pin-duration-count> | -d] [--] <path>...

  <path>... - The path to a file to be added to btfs.

  -r, --recursive            bool   - Add directory paths recursively.
  --dereference-args         bool   - Symlinks supplied in arguments are dereferenced.
  --stdin-name               string - Assign a name if the file source is stdin.
  -H, --hidden               bool   - Include files that are hidden. Only takes effect on recursive add.
  --ignore                   array  - A rule (.gitignore-stype) defining which file(s) should be ignored (variadic,
  --ignore-rules-path        string - A path to a file with .gitignore-style ignore rules (experimental).
  -q, --quiet                bool   - Write minimal output.
  -Q, --quieter              bool   - Write only final hash.
  --silent                   bool   - Write no output.
  -p, --progress             bool   - Stream progress data.
  -t, --trickle              bool   - Use trickle-dag format for dag generation.
  -n, --only-hash            bool   - Only chunk and hash - do not write to disk.
  -w, --wrap-with-directory  bool   - Wrap files with a directory object.
  -s, --chunker              string - Chunking algorithm, size-[bytes], rabin-[min]-[avg]-[max], buzhash or
                                      reed-solomon-[#data]-[#parity]-[size]. Default: size-262144.
  --pin                      bool   - Pin this object when adding. Default: true.
  --raw-leaves               bool   - Use raw blocks for leaf nodes. (experimental).
  --nocopy                   bool   - Add the file using filestore. Implies raw-leaves. (experimental).
  --fscache                  bool   - Check the filestore for pre-existing blocks. (experimental).
  -v                         int    - CID version. Defaults to 0 unless an option that depends on CIDv1 is passed.
  --hash                     string - Hash function to use. Implies CIDv1 if not sha2-256. (experimental). Default:
  --inline                   bool   - Inline small blocks into CIDs. (experimental).
  --inline-limit             int    - Maximum block size to inline. (experimental). Default: 32.
  -m, --meta                 string - Token metadata in JSON string.
  --encrypt                  bool   - Encrypt the file.
  --public-key               string - The public key to encrypt the file.
  --peer-id                  string - The peer id to encrypt the file.
  -d, --pin-duration-count   int    - Duration for which the object is pinned in days. Default: 0.


  Adds contents of <path> to btfs. Use -r to add directories.
  Note that directories are added recursively, to form the btfs

  If the daemon is not running, it will just add locally.
  If the daemon is started later, it will be advertised after a few
  seconds when the reprovider runs.

  The wrap option, '-w', wraps the file (or files, if using the
  recursive option) in a directory. This directory contains only
  the files which have been added, and means that the file retains
  its filename. For example:

    > btfs add example.jpg
    added QmbFMke1KXqnYyBBWxB74N4c5SBnJMVAiMNRcGu6x1AwQH example.jpg
    > btfs add example.jpg -w
    added QmbFMke1KXqnYyBBWxB74N4c5SBnJMVAiMNRcGu6x1AwQH example.jpg
    added QmaG4FuMqEBnQNn3C8XJ5bpW8kLs7zq2ZXgHptJHbKDDVx

  You can now refer to the added file in a gateway, like so:


  The chunker option, '-s', specifies the chunking strategy that dictates
  how to break files into blocks. Blocks with same content can
  be deduplicated. Different chunking strategies will produce different
  hashes for the same file. The default is a fixed block size of
  256 * 1024 bytes, 'size-262144'. Alternatively, you can use the
  Rabin fingerprint chunker for content defined chunking by specifying
  rabin-[min]-[avg]-[max] (where min/avg/max refer to the desired
  chunk sizes in bytes), e.g. 'rabin-262144-524288-1048576'.
  Buzhash or Rabin fingerprint chunker for content defined chunking by
  specifying buzhash or rabin-[min]-[avg]-[max] (where min/avg/max refer
  to the desired chunk sizes in bytes), e.g. 'rabin-262144-524288-1048576'.
  For replicated files intended for host storage, reed-solomon should be
  used with default settings. It is also supported to customize data and
  parity shards using reed-solomon-[#data]-[#parity]-[size].

  The following examples use very small byte sizes to demonstrate the
  properties of the different chunkers on a small file. You'll likely
  want to use a 1024 times larger chunk sizes for most files.

    > btfs add --chunker=size-2048 btfs-logo.svg
    added QmafrLBfzRLV4XSH1XcaMMeaXEUhDJjmtDfsYU95TrWG87 btfs-logo.svg
    > btfs add --chunker=rabin-512-1024-2048 btfs-logo.svg
    added Qmf1hDN65tR55Ubh2RN1FPxr69xq3giVBz1KApsresY8Gn btfs-logo.svg

  You can now check what blocks have been created by:

    > btfs object links QmafrLBfzRLV4XSH1XcaMMeaXEUhDJjmtDfsYU95TrWG87
    QmY6yj1GsermExDXoosVE3aSPxdMNYr6aKuw3nA8LoWPRS 2059
    Qmf7ZQeSxq2fJVJbCmgTrLLVN9tDR9Wy5k75DxQKuz5Gyt 1195
    > btfs object links Qmf1hDN65tR55Ubh2RN1FPxr69xq3giVBz1KApsresY8Gn
    QmY6yj1GsermExDXoosVE3aSPxdMNYr6aKuw3nA8LoWPRS 2059
    QmerURi9k4XzKCaaPbsK6BL5pMEjF7PGphjDvkkjDtsVf3 868
    QmQB28iwSriSUSMqG2nXDTLtdPHgWb4rebBrU7Q1j4vxPv 338

  Finally, a note on hash determinism. While not guaranteed, adding the same
  file/directory with the same flags will almost always result in the same output
  hash. However, almost all of the flags provided by this command (other than pin,
  only-hash, and progress/status related flags) will change the final hash.

BTFS cat (Concatenate BTFS files and print on the standard output)

$ btfs cat <btfs-path>... - Show BTFS object data.

$ btfs cat [--offset=<offset> | -o] [--length=<length> | -l] [--meta | -m] [--decrypt | -d]
             [--private-key=<private-key> | --pk] [--] <btfs-path>...

<btfs-path>... - The path to the BTFS object(s) to be outputted.

  -o, --offset         int64  - Byte offset to begin reading from.
  -l, --length         int64  - Maximum number of bytes to read.
  -m, --meta           bool   - Display token metadata.
  -d, --decrypt        bool   - Decrypt the file.
  --pk, --private-key  string - The private key to decrypt file.

Displays the data contained by an BTFS or BTNS object(s) at the given path.

$ btfs cat /btfs/QmafrLBfzRLV4XSH1XcaMMeaXEUhDJjmtDfsYU95TrWG87   //If this Qmhash is a txt file it will output its content to terminal window

BTFS Get (Download a BTFS objects)

$ btfs get <btfs-path> - Download BTFS objects.

$ btfs get [--output=<output> | -o] [--archive | -a] [--compress | -C]
             [--compression-level=<compression-level> | -l] [--meta | -m] [--decrypt | -d]
             [--private-key=<private-key> | --pk] [--repair-shards=<repair-shards> | --rs] [--quiet | -q] [--]

<btfs-path> - The path to the BTFS object(s) to be outputted.

  -o, --output             string - The path where the output should be stored.
  -a, --archive            bool   - Output a TAR archive.
  -C, --compress           bool   - Compress the output with GZIP compression.
  -l, --compression-level  int    - The level of compression (1-9).
  -m, --meta               bool   - Display token metadata.
  -d, --decrypt            bool   - Decrypt the file.
  --pk, --private-key      string - The private key to decrypt file.
  --rs, --repair-shards    string - Repair the list of shards. Multihashes separated by ','.
  -q, --quiet              bool   - Quiet mode: perform get operation without writing to anywhere. Same as using -o

  Stores to disk the data contained an BTFS or BTNS object(s) at the given path.

  By default, the output will be stored at './<btfs-path>', but an alternate
  path can be specified with '--output=<path>' or '-o=<path>'.

  To output a TAR archive instead of unpacked files, use '--archive' or '-a'.

  To compress the output with GZIP compression, use '--compress' or '-C'. You
  may also specify the level of compression by specifying '-l=<1-9>'.

  To output just the metadata of this BTFS node, use '--meta' or '-m'.

  To repair missing shards of a Reed-Solomon encoded file, use '--repair-shards' or '-rs'.
  If '--meta' or '-m' is enabled, this option is ignored.

###BTFS List (List directories & files)

$ btfs ls <btfs-path>... - List directory contents for Unix filesystem objects.

$ btfs ls [--headers | -v] [--resolve-type=false] [--size=false] [--stream | -s] [--] <btfs-path>...

  <btfs-path>... - The path to the BTFS object(s) to list links from.

  -v, --headers   bool - Print table headers (Hash, Size, Name).
  --resolve-type  bool - Resolve linked objects to find out their types. Default: true.
  --size          bool - Resolve linked objects to find out their file size. Default: true.
  -s, --stream    bool - Enable experimental streaming of directory entries as they are traversed.

  Displays the contents of an BTFS or BTNS object(s) at the given path, with
  the following format:

    <link base58 hash> <link size in bytes> <link name>

  The JSON output contains type information.
$ btfs ls btfs/QmafrLBfzRLV4XSH1XcaMMeaXEUhDJjmtDfsYU95TrWG87   //Outputs directories and files under the given BTFS path

Data Structure Commands

File Copy to Mutable File System

$ btfs files cp <source> <dest> - Copy any BTFS files and directories into
                                    MFS (or copy within MFS).

$ btfs files cp [--] <source> <dest>


  <source> - Source IPFS or MFS path to copy.
  <dest>   - Destination within MFS.


  "btfs files cp" can be used to copy any BTFS file or directory (usually in the
  form /btfs/<CID>, but also any resolvable path), into the Mutable File System

  It can also be used to copy files within MFS, but in the case when an
  IPFS-path matches an existing MFS path, the BTFS path wins.

  In order to add content to MFS from disk, you can use "btfs add" to obtain the
  BTFS Content Identifier and then "btfs files cp" to copy it into MFS:


  $ btfs add --quieter --pin=false <your file>
  # ...
  # ... outputs the root CID at the end
  $ btfs cp /btfs/<CID> /your/desired/mfs/path

Host Commands

Storage Commands

Wallet & BTTC Commands

Get Wallet Balance (BTFS 1.6 Compatibility)

$ btfs wallet balance - BTFS wallet balance

$ btfs wallet balance

unit is µBTT (=0.000001BTT)

Query BTFS wallet balance in ledger and block chain.

$ btfs wallet balance   #This will retrieve the amount of BTT in your wallet

Swap BTT to WBTT

$ btfs bttc btt2wbtt <amount> - Swap BTT to WBTT at you bttc address

$ btfs bttc btt2wbtt [--] <amount>

<amount> - amount you want to swap

$ btfs bttc btt2wbtt 100000000   #This will swap 100 BTT to 100 WBTT in your own BTTC wallet

Swap WBTT to BTT

$ btfs bttc wbtt2btt <amount> - Swap WBTT to BTT at you bttc address

$ btfs bttc wbtt2btt [--] <amount>

<amount> - amount you want to swap

$ btfs bttc wbtt2btt 100000000   #This will swap 100 WBTT to 100 BTT in your own BTTC wallet

Send BTT to another BTTC address

$ btfs bttc send-btt-to <addr> <amount> - Transfer your BTT to other bttc address

$ btfs bttc send-btt-to [--] <addr> <amount>

<addr>   - target bttc address
<amount> - amount you want to send

$ btfs bttc send-btt-to 0xB3D96310b4831f14D294F86d1224077502Aeb27C 100000000   #This will send  100 BTT to 0xB3D96310b4831f14D294F86d1224077502Aeb27C address

Send WBTT to another BTTC address

$ btfs bttc send-wbtt-to <addr> <amount> - Transfer your WBTT to other bttc address

$ btfs bttc send-wbtt-to [--] <addr> <amount>

<addr>   - target bttc address
<amount> - amount you want to send

$ btfs bttc send-wbtt-to 0xB3D96310b4831f14D294F86d1224077502Aeb27C 100000000   #This will send  100 WBTT to 0xB3D96310b4831f14D294F86d1224077502Aeb27C address

Cheque commands

Get Cheque Balance (BTT)

$ btfs cheque bttbalance <addr> - Get btt balance by addr.

$ btfs cheque bttbalance [--] <addr>

<addr> - bttc account address

$  btfs cheque bttbalance 0xB3D96310b4831f14D294F86d1224077502Aeb27C #This will retrieve your current account balance (BTT)